T.E.A.M. = Together Every Animal Matters

I've found my furever family!

Hi! My Name Is Hudson

We're happy to tell you that Hudson has a new furever home.
Please visit our Available Cats Page to see the cats currently available.

My name is Hudson, and I'm a pretty lucky guy! Okay, being hit by a car and needing multiple surgeries to fix up my hip and my femur might not sound lucky, but thanks to Team and a great vet, I'm back better than ever. In fact, one vet basically called me bionic because I've got two metal plates in me! Good thing I don't have to go through airport security, right?  And now that my surgeries are done, I'm healing up like a champion!

I'm running and jumping and playing, and making up for lost time.  I'm a very funny and feisty guy who likes action, and if there isn't any going on, I'll make it myself!  I love to get my foster brothers to chase me, and if they won't, well, I'll just have my own little party!  I love looking out the window at birds and squirrels, and then taking a nice long nap. If you're laying around on the sofa, I'd really like that nap to be curled up or stretched out on you! 

Because yeah, I'm a bit of a wild child, but I'm also a sweetheart and love to get attention and give back purrs in return.  

I'd be a great addition to just about any home. I'm great with other cats, great with people, and I'd probably be great with a nice friendly dog.  And I'm sure I'd love to hang out and play with some older kids - say, over 10 or so, who are old enough to know not to grab my tail or back legs.  

So, yeah! I'm cute, I'm a lot of fun, I'll make you laugh, and I'll give you the sweetest little snuggles ever. All you need to do is bring me home and make me yours! Don't wait! I really want to join my furever family!