Sad story alert from the clinic who saved him ?
The incredible Jeff
Our clinic is located in the country and we dont have animal services here. Theres a lot of farm around here and people often come to dumped their animals here.
On monday a lady came in for a TNR ! A ferral cat that she was feeding. She couldnt touch him or get too close from him but she wanted him to be neuter.
When we did his surgery we found a swollen wound on his leg.. He was shot with a pellet gun ??
We called the lady and asked her if she would surrender him to us. There was no way we could let him be release and put at risk of being shoot again.
Turns out that this cat is a real sweetheart. He jumps on us to get affection. He roll all over to get his belly scratch.
We really love him and we are looking for a home for him.