T.E.A.M. = Together Every Animal Matters

I've found my furever family!

Hi! My Name Is Mailbox

We're happy to tell you that Mailbox has a new furever home.
Please visit our Available Cats Page to see the cats currently available.

Needs another young cat. He loves to play and wrestle  

Mailbox settled in in no time, making friends with the other cat in the house and every human he meets. Outgoing is an understatement!

His foster family call him Baby Box, or anything silly with Box at the end. He’s always making them laugh being silly  

He is a love machine. He loves people, wants desperately to be close to you all the time. He is a total lap cat - loves to snuggle in with his foster family or new friends. He loves to suckle and knead on a fluffy blanket and even sometimes his foster moms fuzzy sweaters, this boy is a biscuit making factory on his own. He’s loves to eat and play. Often doing both at the same time - he tosses his dry food out from his bowl so he can hunt it down piece by piece. His all time favourite toys are sparkly pompoms. He Carrie’s them all over the house, often bringing one to his fav hangout spots. He’s teaching us to play fetch with him (when he’s in the mood) with them too. 

He is recovering really well from his hip surgery and hitting all his milestones! Recently learning he can climb the cat trees. He is no different then any other cat.