T.E.A.M. = Together Every Animal Matters

I've found my furever family!

Hi! My Name Is Meg

We're happy to tell you that Meg has a new furever home.
Please visit our Available Cats Page to see the cats currently available.

Meg looks like an expensive work of art with her beautiful coat, but you’ll grow to value her even more highly than one! Meg is a sweet, gentle, and loving little girl who adores getting pets and scratches around her ears and chin. She lounges around all day and tends to get more active during the evenings, when she chases and swats her toys around the house! 

Meg is FIV+. FIV is a virus that is non-transmissible to humans or animals other than cats. It is only transmissible between cats through deep tissue wounds - not through sharing water or food. Cats with FIV live long and happy lives as long as they are on a good diet and taken in for yearly vet check-ups (as all cats should be!). Meg requires no other medication or treatments!

Meg may act a bit shy at first, but she’s a friendly and social gal once she’s gotten to know you! She would thrive in a household with cat-loving adults and calm older children. If you think this gorgeous girl belongs in your home, contact Team Cat Rescue today!