T.E.A.M. = Together Every Animal Matters

Surrender Your Pet

surrender your pet

Thinking of surrendering your cat?

We know that sometimes life happens and people find themselves unable to properly care for their cat. Our greatest fear is that someone will feel so desperate that they consider giving or selling their cat to a stranger.  Without the required references and home checks performed by rescue groups, cats run the risk of being placed into unhealthy and abusive homes. We want to ensure your loved one gets the home they deserve.

Before you make the decision to surrender, give away, or sell your cat, we may be able to help you find solutions that will allow you to keep your cat as a member of the family. While we can't guarantee miracles, we do have extensive experience dealing with a multitude of issues and can certainly offer suggestions and alternatives to giving up your cat.

Toronto Cat Rescue Courtesy Posting: Check it out at via this link

Reputable Rescues: You can contact local rescues that accept owner surrenders or do courtesy posts on your behalf. (You can contact us for a list of reputable rescues). Please note that there is no guarantee that the rescues on the list will have the room to take your cat immediately.  We recommend that you offer to foster your cat until a new home is found. Many rescues will be more responsive to this offer.

Vet Clinic: You can check with your vet clinic as many will know of clients looking for another cat. Sometimes clinics have their own small adoption program or are willing to take on a clinic cat.

We Can Share:  You can contact us with information on your cat(s) including age, health, vetting history, personality, and picture and we can post it in a private group of reputable local rescues.


  • Post your cat on Kijiji, Facebook or any other online source.
  • Give it away for free or trust someone you don’t know.
  • Dump it outside or on a farm.

These actions only end up in tragedy for your cat.


Sadly there are times when many people must leave their home urgently due to domestic violence, hospitalization or homelessness.  Many women’s and homeless shelters will not allow pets.  Fortunately, there are many support programs in Ontario that can foster your pet so that you do not have to leave your pet behind or surrender to a shelter.  This list is not complete so please search for your similar solutions in your area or phone your local municipal animal shelter or rescue for guidance.