T.E.A.M. = Together Every Animal Matters



One of the saddest realities of working in rescue (aside from, you know, the thousands of animals abandoned and gassed every year), is that cats with special needs are regularly overlooked as being “difficult”, “expensive”, or “frustrating”. Physical and emotional issues, while sometimes challenging, often yield the most loving and loyal kitties out there. This is because after being seen as an outcast or being anxious for so long, having a human to depend on is a luxury in their lives – and they love you for it!So the next time you’re looking to adopt a cat, don’t reject a special needs kitty because you think they’ll be too much work. They may end up being just what you needed in your life.

Take Jordyn, one of our amazing volunteers, who adopted a kitten with Cerebral Hypoplasia named Taco (Stay tuned – we’ll be posting an article on CH soon!). At just a few months old, this baby and his siblings faced a lifetime of potential rejection just because of the way they look. But Jordyn was one of the special adopters who took a chance on a special needs kitty, and she and Taco have never looked back!

“My baby Taco.

I can never say enough about my sweet little wobbler. We adopted him knowing that he had cerebellar hypoplasia. That just means he wobbles a lot. It doesn't hurt him, he won't grow out of it, and it won't get worse.

We have had Taco now for about 8 months, and it's crazy how much he has enriched our lives. At first when he came home our other two cats were unsure of him; but now they are all play pals! He chases them, climbs up things to see them, all the things a normal cat would do. Just with his own little wobbly swagger. This play time has helped to strengthen his legs, and he learns from the girls. Sometimes if they are lucky, Taco will even share his favourite toy, Pipey the pipe cleaner!

Taco is the king of breakfast time. It is his favourite part of the day! He chirps at me while I get the food, and he likes to sit with his little hands in the bowl while eating.

He is the cuddliest of all three cats. When it is bed time he likes to be cozied up with me. The moment I open the door, I hear a chirp and his funny little feet running to say hello.

Taco is our sweet boy. People tell us he is so lucky to have us but we know that the real truth is how lucky we are to have him. If anyone ever has the chance to adopt a CH (Cerebral hypoplasia) kitty, I would encourage them to. It was the best choice we have ever made.”