T.E.A.M. = Together Every Animal Matters



My name is Monster, well now it is, for a brief moment it was Stark and before that it was Kiko. But before all of those names I was nameless, homeless, living in the streets of Cairo Egypt with my mom and sister. But like most stories go there was a death and my sister and I were looking at life alone. Now enter our first hero, someone who found us and took us in. they got us ready for a journey to a new world and we eventually ended up in Burlington Canada.

Now enter my forever Hero, a woman who had recently lost a long time fur-baby. When she saw my picture that day online she had no idea the adventure she’d be joining. What she saw was a skin and bones kitten but she has always said she saw something else in that picture. Something about my face and the look in my eyes, she knew I was meant for her. She started my adoption; she filled out the papers and had the interview. What should have been a short process became long as I had a terrible case of ringworm. Once that was all cleared up she picked me up and took me home.

I felt right at home with her and in her life. Though it took a few months or almost a year for me and her other fur-baby Zoey to become friends we did it. Now we run and play sometimes we give a quick kiss to each other when we think no one is watching. I love the adventure I’m in with my momma Jax and buddy Zoey. I get treats and tons of toys, which I destroy and hide. I grew into a big handsome kitty my momma says. I have a chair all to myself that I sit on like it’s a throne because being told I’m handsome makes me feel like a king. We spend lots of time cuddling and playing with toys in the evenings…I couldn’t be happier.

Thanks to all the efforts and time of TEAM cat rescue and a few others like them on the way I found a warm loving place in life.