T.E.A.M. = Together Every Animal Matters


tux happy tail

TUX'S HAPPY TAIL: Tux's happy tail is very special. Tux was dumped from a cat carrier onto the ground in a downtown park. Yes, as you can guess, he was a house cat, and he was no longer wanted. It is heartbreaking to hear stories like this, because most of us cannot comprehend the idea of abandoning our beloved furry friends, especially not in a manner such as this. But Tux will no longer have to remember the pain he felt when he was abandoned. As you can see, Tux looks quite at peace in his new adoptive home. He will never know what it's like to be alone again. It is stories like this that make rescue all worth while -- and that encourage us all, including our beloved furry friends still seeking homes, to keep going. Congratulations Tux -- we love you!